"Sometimes the road is crystal And sometimes I feel like I'm losing my mind Tell me what it is what you think you're missing And I will see what I can find" ~ Dave Matthews Band, "Broken Things"
A Session with Kara: Kara works with all willing hearts ready for change and ready to bring New Love, Light & energy to Earth. She meets them where they are and how they are in their journey and process. She assists clients in connecting more fully within themselves (Heart & Soul, mind & body), witnesses their experience, gently shines Light on what may be ready to reveal, as well as facilitates, educates, guides and empowers, so each individual may participate more fully in their own journey, as well as be in-Joy-in life with more ease, grace and balance.
Topics usually addressed in a session: Ascension & Awakening - Spiritual Ancestral Healing Generational Healing Generational Gifts Individual Gifts/Abilities Death - (re)Birth Cycles/Transitions Emotions & Emotional Clearing Soul Retrieval
A session with Kara may be helpful if you are ready to end cycles of: ~ Pain & suffering ~ Fear ~ Feeling lost - Feeling tired - Feeling disconnected -Feeling like you don’t fit in -Difficulty concentrating or quieting down your thoughts - Difficulty identifying, talking about or feeling emotions - Reacting, withdrawing or getting angry at people or situations - Struggling developing new habits or trying new things - Repeating emotional and behavioral patterns despite different people or situations - Seeking approval or acceptance from others - People pleasing - Feeling like you want to run away and hide
And creating more solid foundations in feeling: Loved Confident Playful Happy Ease Whole Healthy Gratitude Calm Centered Abundant Flow Empowered Peaceful Clarity Connected Freedom Rested Joy-full Heard Home Harmonious Seen In yourSelf, your relationships, your life and more fully embrace the unique Shine you bring to the world.
Note: Neuro Integration sessions are on hold at the moment. Telephone/Remote sessions are currently available.
Each session is unique. Often a client identifies an issue they would like to address and/or clear, however it is not always necessary (*some sessions require more or less talking than others depending on the issue). Clarifying the issue before and during a session assists in revealing what may be ready to be addressed or stimulates and/or fires the pathways of the nervous system, therefore locating the specific integration or movement (*when NI is beneficial for in person sessions) that will address that particular set of pathways. During in-person sessions where NI is beneficial, the client lies fully clothed on their back on a massage table. Kinesiology is used to guide the process. Light touch is applied on a series of points on the body, similar to acupressure, and as a point is touched, a hand is held in a designated hand pattern to fire particular pathways to the brain. The arm is pulled gently to create firing. The feet are moved to lock in the new pathway. These simple, yet powerful, movements let the brain know to stop firing pathways that are over-firing and create, stimulate, or strengthen other pathways that support the body.
Neuro Integration: Neuro Integration is a gentle, non-invasive, non-traumatic system that helps reorganize and re-pattern (defragment) how the brain receives information by neutralizing the reactions that result in physical pain, emotional distress, mental imbalance, and other unwanted thoughts and behaviors.
Primarily based on Applied Kinesiology, Neuro Integration focuses on how the nervous system communicates with the body and the brain through an intricate blend of studies and practices including Applied Kinesiology, optics, modern neuro science, quantum physics, Gestalt therapy, neuro linguistic programming (NLP), electromagnetism, and supplementation. It is a biological and proven system of reorganizing how the brain receives reactive and highly charged information.
Neuro Integration aids in telling the brain to stop firing pathways that are over-firing by neutralizing the reaction and correcting the nerve transmissions from the brain to the body, and vice versa, through designated hand patterns and muscle motor responses. It allows the human body to quiet the chemistry, the emotion and the actual biological mechanisms and help create, stimulate, or strengthen other pathways that support the body to give the cells an opportunity to remember and experience their innate intelligence, so ultimate connection and healing potential can take place.
Neuro Integration complements virtually any healthcare treatment and is gentle enough for children, infants, and even animals.
The Purpose: The body, in its infinite wisdom, knows the innate Divine design and original blueprint for health and healing. Neuro Integration helps reorganize how the brain receives information by disengaging the emotional, chemical, and biological reactions which supports the physical in healing and returning to healthy harmony.
When the nervous system experiences over stimulation such as stress, accidents, injury, illness, emotional traumas, loss, abuse, life changes, and old, discouraging or harmful beliefs, the synaptic responses can “over-fire” and cause the communication pathways to become faulty or weak resulting in physical pain, emotional distress, mental imbalance, and other unwanted thoughts and behaviors. Neuro Integration helps in re-patterning, re-wiring and re-connecting the neural pathways, as well as stimulating and strengthening new pathways that support the healing process. NI rejuvenates the nervous system in as little as six minutes, and most clients see results after just one session.
Neuro Integration supports:
Relieving physical pain and promoting healing
Releasing toxic chemicals that may be causing ill health
Erasing specific problems that are causing stress or anxiety
Identifying and removing dysfunctional belief systems
Resolving behavioral problems with children
Eliminating fatigue and restoring vitality
Dissolving fears
Eradicating past traumas
Alleviating recurring stress
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kara is an official trainer of Levels One and Two of Neuro Integration. If you are interested in attending training for Neuro Integration, contact Kara. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sign Language of the Soul
Sign Language of the Soul is a form of energy or vibrational healing that addresses the universal blueprint within the body to foster healing at the deepest levels. It works with the concept of resonance to assist in clearing, activating and balancing energies in the body. The map of the energetic body (Soul) is the same map that operates within the body, although in a different dimension. When you stimulate one map, there is a resonance to the same area in the other. Attuning the physical nervous system to the Soul supports balance and healing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
What people are saying:
"I know we don't hang out. BUT - honestly, I would say you are one of my closest friends! I don't care that I'm a client and pay you. You ARE my friend. I thank you so much for everything. The care and concern. The undivided attention. The attention to detail. The love. The safe space. The sharing. It means so much to me, words cannot really express the feeling I have. I appreciate you on so many levels. You are so beautiful, magical, and a real gift to this universe. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to work with you. Thank you seems cheap compared to the real admiration and appreciation and love I hold for you." Much Love, Erin D. Columbus, OH ~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Today is the first day at my new job. I am appropriately nervous, anxious…APPROPRIATELY…being the key word. I found myself kinda forcing the anxiety that I really wasn’t feeling…because that used to be normal for me.
This feeling of calm, and of kinda knowing that I am in the right place, and doing the right thing…is strange for me, but I LOVE IT! You have helped me so much, and I wanted to thank you again!!
I am so amazed and proud of the work you do.”
Love, Nicole Columbus, OH ~~~~~~~~~~~~
“I want to sincerely thank you for yesterday’s “freeing” experience. I walked into your place with a mix of emotions ranging from intense anxiety to sadness, guilt and feeling like I wasn’t worth the time to take care of myself. As we worked through the process, my body naturally released and let go of a lot of the inner turmoil that had been going on. Stress was leaving my body and I finally felt I could breathe for the first time.
On my drive home, these words kept repeating in my head, “it’s time to take care of you, you are a wonderful person.” So, this morning I woke up with a much better attitude than before. There were no worries or anxieties weighing on my heart. I was excited to start the day and smiled. I think I sang happy songs all the way to work LOL. I look forward to our next session.
Thank you for helping me see that I AM WORTH IT, that there are boundaries and I can make my dreams happen. Wow, I’m tearing up just talking about this. I have been sick for so long that I feel like I’m now just starting to live and it’s such a wonderful feeling and I owe it all to trying a session with you.”
Katrina Columbus, OH ~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Things in our lives are getting crazy, but it’s all good and I just wanted to say thank you because I believe that you had a big part in helping it all happen…
We are officially moving back to northern Ohio to be with our families!! My husband just completed his first week of work at his new job up there and he is actually really loving it!! I was able to get a job up there as well…I start next week!!
We are incredibly excited (and nervous) for these BIG changes, but so far all signs are letting us know this is the right decision for us!! Things will be a little tough for a while as we are living apart for the next week and will be back and forth getting our house ready to go on the market, but we are truly excited and dare I say “happy”?!! We will be living with family until our house is sold so things will be a little crowded, but we both feel that everything is going to work out as it should and we will be okay…
I really just wanted to say thank you for all you have done for me and my dogs…I don’t know if any of this would have happened had you not been in our lives. I truly feel that you helped me release the bad things we were holding onto and allowed us to put the energy out in the world that we wanted to, but didn’t know how…. You will always have a special place in my heart for that reason. ;)
I admire the work you do and am so thankful to have experienced your gift!!!”
Sarah Marysville, OH ~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Out of nothing more than idle curiosity, I decided to try a Neuro Integration session with Kara Hicks. I had just done a Zen meditation retreat earlier in the day and really didn’t think anything could shake or improve upon the bliss that I was feeling.
However, at one point in the session it became clear that my spiritual and physical were disconnected. There was confusion. Why do anything physical when I am purely spiritual?
The work in this session is very innocent looking. She simply puts you in various mudras while she muscle tests parts of your body. Then she uses the feet to lock in the new pattern.
But, as soon as the session was over, I knew I had hit some serious pay dirt. My posture was flowing down into my feet and my voice was deep. Then over the entire night, I had MAJOR detox symptoms. I slept heavily. But was jerked out of sleep for excretion. I had long real wild dreams. I was stretching into very deep positions. And importantly, I was maximizing the sensation in the body at each position.
Instinctively, I knew that I needed to avoid my brainwave audio as well as Vipassana meditation for a while until this “blew over”—but it probably won’t blow over. This lady scrambled my whole circuitry! And then improved it. Basically, I cannot return to my old limited body patterns.”
Terrence Westerville, OH ~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Since I have been receiving sessions from Kara, I am feeling – ~ Emotionally stronger ~ Empowered and feel like it is OK for me to stand up for myself – I am no longer a doormat! ~ Calmer ~ Like I am becoming the person who I really AM, not the person who everybody expects me to be because that is what & who they want me to be.”
Sandie Delaware, OH ~~~~~~~~~~~~
“I honestly feel as if I am working WITH you (Kara) to help me better understand who I am and what drives me… It is really helping me.
I know you (Kara) are a professional, I know you have studied hard for your position, I know you are well respected in your field ~ but when I come in, you are Kara ~ the friend I talk to who understands me better than I understand myself. I value that. Thank you.”
Molly Marie Columbus, OH ~~~~~~~~~~~~
“…In choosing a therapist, you have to realize that there are degrees of skill. Out of 10 people who are certified in the skill, you will probably see 10 levels of dedication and talent among them. I am convinced that for me, Kara Hicks represents the top-level of (certified Neuro Integration) practitioners…”
TB – TQC Westerville, OH ~~~~~~~~~~~~
“When I had my session with Kara late last summer (2009), I was dealing with job and relationship issues, and feeling beyond stressed out. Kara was very professional and seemed to know what was happening without me even telling her!
I felt very comfortable during my session, even though I revealed some very personal issues I was dealing with. I was amazed at the physical things that were happening to my body during the session. I remember thinking and saying, “it feels like everything is draining out of my body” and then my right ear started to pop. During the initial accessing questions, it felt like everything below my waist was “tingly.” I felt a “dizzying awareness” of my body and senses when I left the session.
After I got home that evening, I felt an incredible urge to hold a rock in my hand. I search all over the house and finally found a bag of rocks I had brought back from Italy many years ago. I put each one in my hand until I felt the right energy. The next day I felt and was extremely affectionate toward the guy I was dating…which was more than usual.
I will definitely schedule more time with Kara in the future.”
Missi Delaware, OH ~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Thanks so much for all you’ve done to help me. I am lighter – I am encouraged about my life.”
Jenny Powell, OH ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Disclaimer: Services and products offered or recommended by Kara Hicks are not a substitute for conventional medical and psychological treatment or medications. For health concerns, please consult your doctor.